Sunday, January 3, 2010

All I Really Need to Know About the Jihad I Learned in a Wahhabi Kindergarten

From the New York Post:
A cushy Saudi Arabian "rehab" center where terrorists are encouraged to express themselves through crayon drawings, water sports and video games is under scrutiny after one of its graduates re-emerged as a leader in the al Qaeda branch claiming responsibility for trying to blow up an airliner on Christmas.

Said Ali al Shihri -- a former Guantanamo Bay detainee who now heads the terror group al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula -- obviously didn't get to the bottom of his America-hating issues while undergoing the controversial rehab for jihadists.

Inmates like Shihri are supposed to while away the days playing ping-pong, PlayStation and soccer in hopes that the peaceful environment will help them cope with their jihadist rages.

Bomb-makers and gunmen participate in art therapy to help them explore their feelings non-violently.

In between tasty picnic-style meals of rice and lamb and snacks of Snickers along with dips in the pool, participants practice Arabic calligraphy, produce dizzying Jackson Pollack rip-offs and imagine the aftermath of car bombings in crayon.

Some 1,500 al Qaeda terrorists have "graduated" from the program, including 108 former Guantanamo Bay detainees, the Washington Post reported...
Whoa. Sounds like quite the rigourous boot camp. No wonder former inmates go straight from essaying Jack the Dripper knock offs to rejoining the holy war so they can become jihadi splatterers (which for them is a far more rewarding pursuit--art for Allah's sake).

Update: One is reminded of the American official in Sudan who thinks he can dissuade Janjaweed from hacking off people's appendages by rewarding them with gold stars and cookies.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Here is a CBC(!) documentary of the Saudi project: