Sunday, September 19, 2010

New Look; Same Old Hateful Palaver

The Canadian Islamic Congress website has a whole new look. Alas, the makeover is completely superficial as the same old loathing shines through. Here, for instance, in a snippet of a piece featured in the CIC's latest Friday Magazine:
What is so eerily similar between the U.S. and Israel is that both assume a position as “protectors of democracy.” In attacking Afghanistan and Iraq, the United States claims to have freed their people from tyranny and to have planted the seeds of democracy and freedom. No matter that Iraq is in a shambles, that tens of thousands have been killed, that Iraqi society is now embroiled in bitter civil strife, or that U.S. forces are an occupying power.

The U.S. and Israel justify their oppressive measures by insisting they are simply protecting their own interests. But does the world question why some people or nations choose not to accept these justifications? Those rockets firings are not coincidental. Neither are the attacks on American soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan, or even the attacks of 9/11. Instead of accepting Israeli or American propaganda, which gives a one-dimensional perception of who is right and who is wrong, when is the world going to look at the underlying causes of all of this resentment?
Oh, you mean when is it going to look at Islamic doctrines of supremacy and jihad? When is it going to stop blaming America and the Joooos for these age-old spurs? Your guess is as good as mine, Zion-basher.

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