Monday, December 6, 2010

21 Years of Misunderstanding the Massacre

Twenty-one years ago today, a whackjob named Marc Lepine (birth name: Gamil Gharbi), the son of a brutal, Algerian-Arab misogynist who for years had abused both him and his helpless mother, opened fire on a group of women engineering students at Montreal's Ecole Polytechnique, killing 14. Ever since, the Montreal Massacre, as it's called, has been commemorated as a symbol of men's (all men's) inherent brutally toward women (all women) instead of what it was, a one-of instance of a mentally unhinged young Arab, who had been brewed and stewed in Arab cultural perceptions of women and their proper place in society, acting out in a horribly violent way.


paladin3001 said...

I found the worst part of the whole story was that the men, if you can call them that, were told to leave and they meekly did so. Not a single one of them tried to stop this sick POS. One by one they filed out of the class room like sheep.

scaramouche said...

Yes, there wasn't a Todd Beamer (of 9/11 "Let's roll" fame) in the bunch.

Bob Devine said...

If the creep had been a Catholic instead of an Arab with Islam in his background I will bet you a nickel it would have been plastered on the front page of every paper and headlined every TV news cast in the country. I can just picture it. CATHOLIC GOES BESERK! and the MSM is still practicing that same crap.

Anonymous said...

CBC again today talked about some men's hatred of women, and true to form, nary a mention of the Islamic brainwashing which was the cause. As if it's just a random crime. Why can't we just tell the truth, such a heinous crime was made possible by this guy's mind being marinated in Islamic hatred for women? The whitewash and the willful ignorance of the true cause is typical of any CBC analysis of Islamic crimes. A CBC show on honor killing, same thing. Just don't mention Islam. Disgusting "journalism", withholding the truth, muddling the issue in a slick package - typical of CBC.