Thursday, December 2, 2010

Free Speecher's Gift Request

Santa baby,
Slip some freedom into the land.
It's grand.
It used to animate the state.
Santa baby,
And hurry to Trudeaupia today.

Santa baby, "denormalize" the HRCs too,
They're through.
They do not belong here.
Santa baby, and hurry to Trudeaupia today.

Think of all the crap we're taught.
Think of all the bollocks and the tommyrot.
Multicult, diversity--they've robbed us of our liberty.

(Boo doo be doo)
Santa honey, I want free thought and really that's

Not a lot.
I've been a fighter all year.
Santa baby, and hurry to Trudeaupia today.

Santa cutie, there's one thing that does make me flip--
It'll end our Western civ.
Santa cutie, and hurry to Trudeaupia today.

Come and see our "virtue" show.
Come and give Ms. Lynch and gang the old heave-ho.
The Virtue Crew hectors and barks.
Reminds me of Herr Karl Marx.

(Boo doo bee doo)
Santa baby, forgot to mention one thing that's mean--
Sec. 13.
Thought law's so gotta go.
Santa baby, and hurry to Trudeaupia today...

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