Thursday, December 2, 2010

Siddiqui's Wacky Wiki Freak Out

Since the WikiLeaks have tended to bolter Israel's case re Iran (revealing, as they do, that the Arabs are every bit as concerned about a nuclear Ayatollah as are the Jews), Harpoon Siddiqui has stepped into the fray to try to get back to the Slamolefty default setting/broken record--i.e. that Israel, dammit, is the regional bad guy. To do so he hauls out the heaviest of lefty heavy Hitlers, er, hitters:
...American intellectual Noam Chomsky cites a Brookings Institution poll that 80 per cent of Arabs consider Israel as the main threat, followed by the U.S. at 77 per cent. Only 10 per cent rate Iran as a danger. In fact, 57 per cent want Iran to have nuclear weapons as a counterweight to American and Israeli hegemony in the Middle East.

There’s no mention of any of this in the leaks or in the comments of Clinton or Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Chomsky: “What that reveals is the profound hatred for democracy on the part of our political leadership and the Israeli political leadership . . . When they talk about Arabs, they mean the Arab dictators, not the population, which is overwhelmingly opposed to the conclusions that the analysts — Clinton and the media — have drawn.”

This is not to say that Arab rulers are not concerned about a resurgent Iran, especially the dominating role it was gifted in Iraq by the American invasion and occupation. But it is doubtful, says Andoni, that the Arab rulers “dare follow the American line completely, particularly if this includes a strike against Iran.”
If they did, they'd risk popular revolts.
If they don't, they'd risk Shiite supremacy. You tell me which is the scarier prospect. As for why the WikiLeaks don't mention the Chomsky-cited stats: well, why the heck would they? Clearly, such crunchy numbers are relevant only to the Chomskys and Siddiquis of the world--those who are determined to make Israel the bad guy no matter what and in defiance of all logic and common sense.


Paul said...

... it's the standard Muslamic threat that the "street" hates their gov't so much, we better get back on track and get the big hate on for those Jews in the ME; otherwise there's going to be big trouble according to l'l Haroon and the Blue Crescent.

[Chomsky???!!! And who authenticated that Brooking survey that makes them such an authority??? Such intellectual dishonesty!!!]

As of late, I've been thinking that Little Moe and the Blue Crescent might have learned something this past year, but I guess not.

Time for another heap of e-mails to their advertisers and demos in front of their building.

They obviously both need more learning and "meducation", in my humble opinion.

scaramouche said...

Siddiqui seems really miffed that WikiLeaks shows that Arab street is more worried about the Shiites than about the Jews. No worries, though. In Harpo's world, if the facts don't conform to your worldview, you (and American intellectual Noam) can simply point to you own facts. For such, ahem, creativity, I say we give the man another Order of Canada--or maybe even a Nobel Peace Prize.

Paul said...

...or a good kick in the groin to further his learning.

[as he himself indicated, he doesn't play sports cuz he just can't find a proper fitting athletic cup. His "meducation" will be more effectively enhanced as a result.]

But if you're looking for facts in the Toronto Star, you're reading the wrong paper. (their tagline is "We Make Stuff Up!)