Tuesday, December 7, 2010

'To Serve and Grovel'

Found this one on the Ontario Human Rights Commission's twitter site--a heart-warming tale of how Toronto police are going out of their way to try to "build bridges" with the Muslim community:
Muslim and police leaders broke bread together at a traditional Eid al-Adha dinner.

Over 80 officers joined Chief Bill Blair and representatives from various Muslim organizations at the Nov. 29 dinner, in an effort to get to know each other better, as well as share in cultural traditions.

Deputy Chief Tony Warr said sharing in religious traditions helps create a better sense of mutual respect and understanding.

“It’s an education for us,” Warr said.

“The more you know about other cultures, the more we learn we are not much different from each other.”

Eid al-Adha, the second celebration after the end of Ramadan, recognizes the virtue of sacrifice – specifically Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice of his son to God.

The dinner saw members of Toronto’s Muslim community meeting officers from their local Divisions. It is a very diverse religious community, with people hailing from Africa to the Middle East to Europe.

Warr said joining together with religious leaders of all faiths is a priority for police.

“Imams are trusted members of their communities and, if we are seen associating and having a good relationship with police, it helps the community do the same,” Warr said.

“We’re all trying to help communities and make life better.”

Warr said the added benefit is a trusting relationship in times of crisis in communities whether it be quelling violence or responding to attacks directed toward people of one faith.

“We should get to know each other before an issue arises,” Warr said.

“When we are more trusting of each other, it’s easier to solve and resolve issues.”

Imam Nedzad Hafizoic, of the Bosnian Islamic Centre, explained the Eid al-Adha celebrations at the dinner followed by Community Mobilization Const. Jenniferjit Sidhu explaining the role the Service plays in the Muslim community.

New Auxiliary officer Mona Tabesh was given generous applause when she was recognized as the first woman to wear a hijab in uniform for the Service....
I can't tell you how much better I feel knowing the cops are on the job, associating with imams and quelling violence or responding to attacks directed toward people of one faith. (Meanwhile they let the likes of Salman Hossain slip through their fingers.)

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