Friday, March 11, 2011

Zion-Loathers Hold a Self-Pity Party

Last time I checked, that annual campus-based hatefest, Israeli Apartheid Week, was still going great guns. And yet, that bleating, whinging sound you hear blowing in like an ill wind from the west coast--that's some of the little Israel-haters kvetching that their "human rights" aren't being unheld.

Don't you feel sorry for them?

Update: Cheer up, Israel-bashers. Here's a rockin' oldie for poor, poor pitiful you.


Paul said...

I need to get me one of those U of Tea OISE Master Degrees.

My thesis will be about me, myself and I and how I hate my Jewish parents. It will also be about me, myself and I and the injustices of White Privilege which for me, myself and I, started in kindergarten. And finally, it will be about me, myself and I and how the Zionist controlled world is conspiring against me.

I bet I get an "A".

NB: You always know the loser turnout to leftoid events in Vancouver is low when they don't show the audience. And curious how this item ended up on Rabble a month after it happened. (hmmmmm)

scaramouche said...

Slow news month? ;)