Monday, June 20, 2011

What If, Post-WW2, Jews Had Taken the Palestinian Route?

Warren Kozak in the Wall Street Journal rewrites history:
To begin with, the Jews would all still be living in these DP camps, only now the camps would have become squalid ghettos throughout Europe. The refugees would continue to be fed and clothed by a committee similar to UNRWA—the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (paid for mostly by the United States since 1948). Blessed with one of the world's highest birth rates, they would now number in the many millions. And 66 years later, new generations, fed on a mixture of hate and lies against the Europeans, would now seethe with anger...
One big diff, of course: the "lies" (i.e. that the Holocaust was, as one historian put it, the only pan-European co-operative effort of the 20th Century) would be the truth, and, having had 3/4 of their population murdered in the most horrible ways imaginable would give these refugees a valid reason to hate the people who had committed these awful crimes. Whereas the Palestinians tell lies that are really lies, and the reason they hate Jews is the same reason the Europeans hated them--because they're Jewish.

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