Sunday, October 16, 2011

New Poll Reveals Canadians to Be "Prejudiced" Against Muslims (Though Not, of Course, Vice Versa)

A new poll reveals that, despite the best efforts of our "human rights" industry, other assorted brainwashers, and Little Mosque on the Prairie, Canadians are as concerned about jihad--both the stealthy and the terroristic "bigotted" about and "prejudiced" against Muslims as ever:
...The poll, which included 2,345 people, found that the negative perception of Muslims is much deeper in Quebec, the country’s largest province, than any other Canadian cities.
Only 35 percent of respondents from Quebec had “very positive” or “somewhat positive” perceptions of Muslims.

Quebec has been gripped by heated debates about the wearing of hijab after several Muslim girls were thrown off pitch over wearing the headscarf.

The minority group that got the highest positive perception was the Chinese (75%), followed by Protestants, Blacks and Hispanics/Latin Americans (74%), Catholics (73%), Jews (72%) and francophones (70%).

The category “immigrants” prompted positive responses from 68 percent of those surveyed.

The poll was conducted between Sept. 20 and Oct. 3 and had a margin of error of two percent.

Global View
Jedwab believes that the poll results reflect the widespread unease towards Muslims a decade after the 9/11.

He said the prevailing view a decade ago was that promoting social harmony would depend on overcoming language conflicts or easing general tensions between “whites and all visible minorities.”

Instead, “what’s emerging now is a focus on Muslims vs. non-Muslims,” he said.

“The outlet for people’s prejudice has been displaced by the focus on Muslims.”...
Funny, that, given that Canadians seem so welcoming/accepting of other minorities. Let us all insert our heads up our backsides as we now ponder why (mosqueteria? terror threats? kooky Khomeinists and their zany blood libels? ranting imams? Canucki mosques and madrassas teaching the wacky Wahhabi worldview?) that might be.

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