Wednesday, September 5, 2012

TDSB Practising Dhimmitude, Sharia

It's for the sake of "accommodation," of course, so no worries:
TORONTO - So if you are a Filipino Christian congregation renting space from the Toronto District School board, you face a shocking 800% gouging increase in your rental permits.

But if you are a Muslim Imam using a school cafeteria as a mosque for Friday prayers, there is not only no increase — but no charge at all.

So much for inclusiveness and religious equality at the TDSB. Double standard, highway robbery and gutless political correctness are three phrases that come to mind.

Not necessarily in that order.

However the TDSB calls rent permit increases on churches an “initiative to offset the costs.”...
Sounds so much better than, say, abject dhimmitude, don't you think?

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