Saturday, June 15, 2013

"Iran's Model of Religious Democracy Can Change Global Hegemony"

In your fevered, triumphalist dreams, Ayatollah breath.

Update: Oh, frabjous day (rejoice, all infidel news agencies)--a "moderate" is on the cusp of victory ("moderate" in the "religious democracy/global hegemony" sense).

Update: The "moderate" cleric is looking for "constructive interaction."

Yeah, right.

Get really for days, if not weeks, of reports in infidel media re how "moderate" and reform-minded and totally un-Ahmadinejad-like this fanatic is.

Update: The "moderate" cleric's boss, the Grandiose Ayatollah, says that Iran's democratic elections are much more democratic than the U.S.'s democratic elections because Iran's aren't controlled by the "Zionists."

Well, duh.

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