Monday, October 14, 2013

Delusional "Good Jews" Think the Zionhass Doesn't Apply to Them

Back in the day, highly assimilated German Jews thought the Jew-hate applied only to Ostjuden, those "bad Jews" from Poland and other eastern European locales who were flooding in to the country. As it turned out, the Nazis didn't care if you were a non-practicing German Jew from Hamburg who had fought for the Kaiser in the Great War, or a really Jewy-looking Jew who had just arrived from Warsaw. One and all were slated for extermination.

That was then. This is now:
Israel’s left ran out of ideas long ago and runs instead on the recycled effluvia of the European left. It has adopted the conviction of the international left that Israel is always to blame. Except it replaces Israel with its favorite right-wing villains and is surprised every time it is confronted with the fact that the international left doesn’t bother making any fine distinctions between settlers in Ariel and Kochav Yair and between the good Israeli soldiers who will only serve within the Green Line and the bad Israeli soldiers who will serve beyond the Green Line. 
With the dogmatic cluelessness of the professional ideologue, much of the Israeli left really believes that it would be able to get along with everyone from Hamas to Baroness Ashton if it wasn’t for the right. It’s a deadly illusion and there is no telling how many more Israelis will have to die before the illusion dies.
La plus ça change, as they say.

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