Monday, August 11, 2014

Does Edible Arrangements Fund Hamas?

The rumour that it does has been making the rounds (h/t: EY). However, rumour analysis website snopes calls the claim "undetermined." What is clear is that the EA's owner is a big fan of ICNA, an outfit with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood (Hamas's mothership)--and that is bad enough. Even so, snopes assures us that
[w]hatever the truth of those issues regarding ICNA may be, the evidence for a direct financial link between ICNA and Hamas (and thus between Edible Arrangements and Hamas) still appears rather tenuous. 
"Tenous"? Perhaps. But given ICNA's endorsement of jihad (and I don't mean that strictly personal struggle to follow Allah's lead), a direct link between that outfit and Hamas is definitely within the realm of possibility. How odd of snopes to conclude otherwise.

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